Posted by: davidkhr | October 27, 2010

The right Moderator for 2011 ?

Congratulations to David Arnott on becoming the Moderator Designate for the Church of Scotland.There is no doubting his experience and his abilities.
But why doesn’t this sit well with me ? I know David a little bit. He assessed me when I first started out on my journey of ministry and he has ministered in my home town for a number of years. But… I do wonder about the precedent set in having a retired minister as Moderator. I can’t remember the last one who was elected.
He is certainly a safe pair of hands, and knowing the contentious nature of the business for 2011 I can understand his appointment, but there is something of the old boys network going on here, I fear. I really, really hope I’m wrong about that.
One of the other candidates (I also know one of them) could have been a visionary leader the church needs right now but I fear that those doing the voting didn’t think that way today.
And that is symptomatic of the Kirk right now. I sense a need for safety, for no rocking of the boat, at a time when the Kirk maybe needs to get out of the boat and show a bit more faith and vision.
I can only wish David well, and assure him of my prayers (as I would for any candidate) because he will certainly need all prayer support he can get for the year ahead.


  1. While I think the ‘Bogle-meister’ would have been fabulous, I’m sure he will get another chance at it. I suspect DA was voted in for the very reason you observed: that this coming year will have one debate in it that will be er, rather contentious, and will need a very safe pair of hands.
    But Albert for 2012 – that would stir things up rather amusingly, I think šŸ˜€

  2. Thanks for your comment, Nik.
    I hope Albert does get another chance, but I think the GA have missed a glorious opportunity here. I witnessed the graciousness of his comments during a contentious Presbytery debate, and that is what is needed now, not necessarily the safe pair of hands. And a retired pair at that. For me the retired issue sends all the wrong signals to the church.
    We need the visionaries, not the stabilisers.

  3. I’m not so bothered by the fact that DA is retired, however…
    re. the ‘retired’ bit: well, if we take that to a logical extension, we might want to re-think our policy of retired folk retaining seats in presbytery as well…. Or would that be waaaaaaaay too controversial!!?
    *grins cheekily*

  4. Thanks again Nik. The retired bit for me is perpetuating the myth (reality?) that Moderators are all old…(er) when we could be doing something far more progressive. What actually gets me quite ngry is the rule that Interim Moderators must be active ministers…WHY ? These retired foilks are more than capbale (mostly) at taking these kind of things on, while the workload is ever increasing on the folks in the charges. I sat through the GA when the great report on the 3rd Article Declaratory went through on the nod…the most impressive piece of hogwash whitewash I haven’t yet seen…. (I can sense a rant coming, and you won’t want that !)
    I do appreciate your comments, complete with cheeky grin !

  5. You got your wish fulfilled! Albert Bogle Moderator Designate 2012.

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