Posted by: davidkhr | May 25, 2010

The Third Article Debate

It was status quo with the debate. No major surprise really, except that the committee/commission felt there was no real feeling to change things. They didn’t ask me (and I didn’t tell them). Their aspiration is actually a good one, but with each passing year it has become more and more impractical.
How on earth are the ministers to do the work ?
It’s all very well making potentially visionary statements looking at alternative forms of ministry, but the education process within the membership will be impossible. Let’s face it, and the Committee/commission didn’t, the vast majority of ordinary members expect a form of ministry that may have happened 40 years ago, and the only ‘visit’ from the church that is valid is the dog collar. That is plainly ridiculous in today’s situation. Parishes will get bigger, more vacancies are planned for, more churches needing covered with interim ministries, it’s a recipe for meltdown….
Or have I missed something in all this ?

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